Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's been a while.

Right now, though, I'm officially writing again, this time on an upgraded version of my NaNo book. I'm going to use this blog to post excerpts and meanderings about the story, the characters, the problems and so on.

Working Title: Paradox

Premise: That Ultimate Truth is unknowable and that man, even when handed something that looks like it might be Ultimate Truth on a Plate, will inevitably screw it up. We fight against our selves in our search for The Meaning of Life, Love and Truth. We are our own worst enemies. And yet ...


Ben said...

Cool. I'm glad to see you're planning to update us on your writing.

However . . .

FLOG! You missed a day. Shame on you. :)

R.J. Keller said...

Squeee!! I'm glad you're updating this blog again.

And, of course, FLOG! :-)